Bid Writing Services with an 87% Success Rate

25th November 2020

Bid writing services designed to help your business grow

[Last modified: October 2021]

Our bid writing services at Hudson Succeed are designed to help your business grow and keep achieving your goals.

How do we do this?

When we created our services, we wanted to ensure that we could support all businesses when tendering for contracts. No matter your size, industry or tendering experience, we wanted to be able to help you through the tendering process. As part of the Hudson Group, our goal is to make the procurement process a fairer and more level playing field. To do this, we believe that it starts with supporting all businesses equally.

Our bid writing services aren’t just designed to help you now, but in the future, as you continue to grow. What’s the point in securing one contract only to be back to square one when it ends? 

Need help with an imminent tender?

If you need support with a live tender, it couldn’t be easier to get started. Simply upload the tender documents and receive a quote in just four working hours.

Due to current workloads, we will be unable to accept work with a deadline in less than seven working days.

Our bid writing services

In order to achieve our goal, we created four levels of bid writing services.

Tender Writing

Tender Writing is your classic bid writing service. The service includes a breakdown of the tender requirements. This is then followed by the creation of your tender responses, a full review, and the submission of your bid.

We created this service to support those who need to respond to a bid reactively but lack internal resources. In order to write a winning bid, you will need:

  • Exceptional writing skills
  • A keen eye for detail
  • Time to read potentially a 5,000+ word specification
  • Time to write potentially 10,000 words (we’ve seen bids require even more).

Obviously, not every business will have the above in abundance. This is why our Tender Writing service is so popular with businesses both in the UK and overseas.

Tender Ready

Our Tender Ready package is a unique bid writing service. The four-week programme was designed to help businesses who are new to tendering. Not only does the programme consist of three-day bid writing consultancy support, it also helps you prepare for the future.

Whilst helping you to identify tendering opportunities, the package also includes:

  • The creation of all the corporate literature you will need to tender for work today and in the future
  • The design of these documents via our in-house Design Team
  • 12-months access to the Hudson Discover tendering portal of your choice. This will allow you to access all the UK tenders in your field. You will also receive a daily email alert when relevant tenders are published and support from an Account Manager.

Once the programme is complete, your business will be equipped with the knowledge and resources to tender for work effectively.

Tender Improvement

This bid writing service really does what it says on the tin. We understand how frustrating it can be to spend time and (let’s be honest) money submitting bids and losing.

We have been supporting businesses with their tendering efforts for almost two decades. In our experience, there is often a simple explanation for disappointing results. You just need someone external to take a look.

The Tender Improvement programme consists of:

  • A full analysis of your previous tender responses
  • Identifying areas of improvement
  • An analysis of your supporting company literature and, if necessary, the redevelopment of this content
  • Help to identify the right tenders for your business
  • 12-months access to the Hudson Discover tendering portal of your choice.

If this wasn’t enough, the support doesn’t end there. Once the programme is complete, you will have the choice between:

  • A full bid writing service for your next tender. This includes the creation of your bid responses to the submission of the bid.


  • Guided support through your next two tenders. Our team will support you as you write your responses in-house. They will then assess your responses and provide advice to increase your chances of success.

Tender Mentor  

Finally, our Tender Mentor service is there to act as a second pair of eyes. When supporting businesses through Tender Improvement, we noticed that many failed results were due to simple, overlooked errors.

Tender Mentor consists of a full proofreading service. Our Bid Writers will then leave comments for ways to improve your tender responses. They will also assess your work against the buyer’s specification. This will ensure that your tender addresses the requirements and impresses the buyer.

Why outsource bid writing services?  

So, if tendering is such a crucial element of business development, why would you outsource it?

In the end, it comes down to these all-too-familiar barriers that most businesses face daily – time and money.

Do you have time to:

  • Learn how to win a tender?
  • Read and digest seemingly endless specifications?
  • Write sometimes mammoth tender responses in detail or train a member of staff to do this to an exceptional standard?
  • Create and professionally brand all your corporate literature including policies, procedures, case studies, company CVs, and more?
  • Navigate often tricky procurement portals and ensure that the bid is submitted on time?

If the answer is no, you’re not alone. In fact, it is very common for a business to outsource its bid writing. Whilst you might be an expert in your field, that won’t necessarily help you to secure the contract. Especially in the public sector where there can be many hoops to jump through.

We are not experts in an industry. We are experts in bid writing. This means that we can support clients in any industry. From Construction to Healthcare to Technology, we have worked with a vast range of clients.

The tendering process is our speciality and we’re proud of our accomplishments in the field.

These are our 11 sector-specific portals to help you find opportunities:


Find opportunities for catering, events, conference management and more, all under one roof.



From domiciliary care to medical supplies, nursing recruitment and more, our Healthcare portal has it all.



Dedicated to the facilities management industry, we search over 1,000 sources to find the right opportunity for you.



Takes the headache out of sourcing opportunities within the technology sector.



Committed to saving you time when searching for new construction contracts.



Dedicated to helping your business grow in the competitive world of professional services.



Committed to bringing you a multitude of opportunities within the creative sector.



From accountancy to payroll, our Finance portal is dedicated to helping you connect with new buyers.



From market research to academic, our Research portal sources the opportunities you need to grow.



Our Logistics portal sources transport sector opportunities on a daily basis from thousands of buyers.



For businesses in the HR and recruitment industry who want to find new contracts.


What skills do Bid Writers have?

You may be wondering why hiring Bid Writers is often the best option if you want to see success. The answer is quite simple. Bid Writers have a lot more experience with tendering than most company owners. They know the ins and outs of the industry and what is expected of them to win a bid. Here are 4 skills all Bid Writers need:

  1. Excellent writing skills

As you can imagine, a Bid Writer needs to have excellent writing skills. To ensure success, Bid Writers must deliver high-quality proposals. They need to use their skills to efficiently describe different aspects about their client’s company. As well as how they are the best fit to deliver the contract.

Great Bid Writers know exactly how to narrow down their writing, so it is clear and concise, without irrelevant information. Bid Writers also know not to use industry jargon, as they don’t want to confuse the reader.

Another point is that some bids can be gargantuan in size. If you aren’t available and prepared to dedicate this time to writing, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed. Bid Writers have done this plenty of times, so they know how to breakdown their workload.

  1. Communication skills

Perhaps the most important skill a Bid Writer must possess is good communication abilities. The purpose of proposals is to communicate to the buyer why the supplier should be awarded the contract. So, Bid Writers must ensure they clearly answer questions and address the points they need to make.

Many people attempting to write a bid proposal won’t have the experience to know how to do this. That is why using bid writing services can be such a benefit.

  1. Produce error-free proposals

Along with writing skills, the best Bid Writers should also have great editing and proofreading skills. Their writing may be good, but if there are even minor errors, they risk losing all chances of success. In other words, they need to have a keen eye for detail.

So, it is essential for Bid Writers to reread their work multiple times. It can be helpful to have a device read the work aloud to you, making it easier to spot mistakes. This is a technique many Bid Writers use. Bid Writers often proofread each other’s work too. This is another great way of locating anything that doesn’t sound quite right.

This extensive process is essential in making sure a bid is of the highest possible standard. The reader will mark you down if they find grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or punctuation in the wrong place. They want to be sure that you are thorough in your work. If you can’t perfect your bid, why should they expect you to perfect the work you hope to deliver? The last thing you want is to give the impression you are unprofessional or even lazy. Since Bid Writers are so thorough with their editing, it is unlikely any mistakes will slip by unnoticed.

  1. Highly organised

Organisation skills are essential for the Bid Writers. A lot of the time, bid applications will be extensive and require a lot of work. So, Bid Writers must be able to keep documents organised. They must be excellent at time management to ensure all work is done before deadlines.

Rushing at the last minute is almost certainly going to result in multiple mistakes and you don’t want that!

Bid Writers know exactly how to breakdown their workload and organise when to do each section.

Who else have we helped?  

Speaking of accomplishments, let’s take a quick look at just a few of the businesses that we have helped.

Invasion Ltd

  • Our successful tender secured the next five-years income by winning a £200million contract.
  • The Succeed Team completed the 21,500-word bid in just 48 hours and submitted the tender during a bank holiday.

MJ Support Staffing

  • We built an excellent relationship with the client, maintaining a 100% success rate over three bid submissions.
  • The successful tender increased their annual turnover by 20%.

Oakleigh School

  • The team’s submission resulted in £350,000 in direct contract wins on three large supplier frameworks.

Imagine You Can

  • Our Bid Writers completed the 5,000-word submission in just 24 hours. To put this into perspective, normally, our individual Bid Writers aim to produce 2,000-words per day.
  • The result secured four-years of sustainable income for Imagine You Can.

Barbara B Cooperativa Sociale

  • Our team worked with the client to help them overcome language barriers in their tender response. This was their first contract in the UK market.
  • Our Bid Writers achieved a 97% quality score.
  • £350,000 was secured on their first UK contract.

Why do our clients continue to use our bid writing services?

Our ability to deliver results  

Fundamentally, a bid writing consultancy is judged on their ability to secure contracts for their clients. Businesses will ultimately choose a provider who they believe to be capable and trustworthy.

Our clients can rest assured that their bid is in safe hands. We reassure them with our 87% bid success rate and the trust we have earned from over 700 businesses globally.

Multi-disciplinary capabilities  

At Hudson Succeed, we are not limited to one particular industry. Our Bid Writers have multi-disciplinary experience across a range of sectors. Over the past two decades, our team have supported clients across industries including:

Our ability to support so many industries means that we can help more businesses to reach their goals.

No commission or hidden fees

Unlike some other bid writing consultancies, we don’t take a commission for our work. When you win, we see that as a win for us as well, we don’t need an extra monetary reward. It’s no good reaching an 87% success rate if we don’t work to maintain and increase it. Simply, when you win, we win.

Our charges are quoted on a bid-by-bid basis. Every tender is different. Some tenders only require a few thousand words while others require complex, lengthy responses. Once we have assessed the work involved, we will then provide an accurate quote. It is our policy that this payment is then made before the work begins. That’s it – just one fee, no hidden charges.

Integrating within your team, not working against them – and all whilst working remotely

We’re here to support your existing team, not undermine them. Our job is to make sure that your tender is successful in this submission and in the future.

Of course, if you don’t have an in-house team who will be taking over, we can integrate ourselves. We work with clients on an ad-hoc basis. They simply come to us whenever they find a bid, we then offer a quote and complete the work. They deliver the contract and come back to us for the next tender and so it continues. We love to be part of your business development process and watch your organisation flourish.

In the “new normal” of remote working, our clients are maximising the advantages of a remote consultant. It might not be feasible to employ someone internally on a full-time basis. Instead, our clients will outsource our support as and when necessary.

Our promise to you  

As part of the Hudson Group, we maintain clear values that we promise to deliver: transparency, innovation and quality.


We believe in maintaining an honest approach with our clients. We won’t simply write a bid because you pay us to. If we don’t think the tender is right for your business, we’ll let you know. In some cases, you might be lacking an accreditation or case study that will result in a failed submission. We will always let you know if this is the case and offer our expert advice.


At Hudson, we always aim to be as innovative as possible. When presented with a problem, we use our Hudson Labs

to look for a solution. We promise to apply the same innovative approach to all our bid writing services.


As Bid Writers, we’re always striving for the highest quality possible. We don’t get involved with the pricing aspect of your tender response. We believe that you are the experts in your service. This means that we never stop aiming for that perfect quality score. It is, after all, how we achieve our winning results.

Interested in our bid writing services?

For more information about any of our bid writing services, please get in touch. If you’re not sure which service will be best for your business, we offer a free consultation. Simply call or email us to arrange a call-back time to suit you.

Discover Elite

Upgrading to Discover Elite can help optimise your tendering efforts – even when you’re busy. Our two new time-saving tools can improve your competitor awareness and success rate when bidding for a contract.

The Ultimate Time Saver package offers your business:

  • A maximum of five tender breakdowns per month.
  • An annual subscription to a maximum of two Hudson Discover sector-specific portals. This option can help businesses that overlap two industries such as Healthcare and Technology, for example.
  • Pre-market and award engagement notices monitored on your behalf.
  • Buyer portal management, including registration, password management, downloading documents and assessing viability based on your bid or no-bid strategy.
  • Weekly phone calls with your dedicated Account Manager to discuss viable tendering opportunities.

The Become a Pre-Bid Master package also includes:

  • All of the above.
  • Up to seven tender breakdowns per month.
  • Bid Strategy delivered by a Senior Bid Manager with a minimum of 5 years of experience. It will also be managed by our Global Bid Director.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business grow.

Looking for further writing services?

Grant Writing

Our Grant Writing Service is for businesses who want to start applying for grants, but don’t know where to begin. They can also help businesses who have been applying for grants but aren’t seeing success.

Our Grant Writing Consultants have over 60 years of experience in bidding for funding and grants. From start-up business grants to self-employed business grants. They can take care of the whole thing for you – they’ll even submit it on your behalf.

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business grow!

Grant Tracker

You can find this grant and others like it on our Business Grant Tracker. Currently, we have over 1,700 live business grant and funding opportunities. Our team have manually tracked 1,500+ data streams searching for business grant opportunities. Each one is then uploaded to one central system, streamlining the process.

All you need to do to gain access is sign up for free.

Find more helpful tips and advice in our blogs. We cover topics including:

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Let’s get started.

Call for a FREE consultation with our Tender Writing Consultants or simply send us an email and a team member will contact you.

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