Casgo Connections Case Study


Casgo Connections are a care and nursing staff agency in the South East of England. In 2020, the company got in touch with Hudson as they were seeking professional tendering support with an extensive multi-lot framework. This was to provide nursing and care services staff that met NHS standards.


We were required to compile a large volume of data and documentation from the client. This would ensure that they were demonstrating the appropriate evidence requested from the buyer, within the ITT document and specification.

A particular challenge on this contract was that there were a significant number of clarifications raised during the procurement process. It was, therefore, important to ensure that any changes to the tendering terms or documents were relayed promptly and clearly to the client.


Therefore, we developed a bespoke bid plan for the client. The bid plan provided them a clear overview of key tender information, such as dates and deadlines, as well as supporting documents that were to be uploaded as evidence.

The bid plan facilitated a clear project management approach through this complex bid. Our bid plan also detailed our approach to each quality question, enabling the client to see the approach we would take in meeting the buyer’s specifications. This transparent tendering process would ensure a high-quality final submission.

Our Succeed Team ensured to check the portal on a daily basis, ensuring that relevant clarifications and changes were passed to the client promptly. We compiled this information in an Excel spreadsheet format, enabling a clear overview of the latest information.

We scheduled phone calls at key periods each week with the client at a mutually convenient time, in order to manage progress ahead of the deadline and gain any outstanding information. To further support this process, we delegated gathering information from different parties within the client’s organisation. Doing so enabled us to speed up the information-gathering approach.

We also provided consultancy to the client, ensuring that they understood administrative processes to be carried out internally for the bid such as an in-house audit report. This was to be completed within the same timescale as the tender itself.

Following completion of the drafts, we then underwent a thorough review process with the client. This was essential to ensure they were happy with the final draft being submitted to the buyer and clarifying any queries ahead of the deadline.


As a result of our professional consultancy and support through this process, Casgo Connections were successfully awarded a place on the framework as an approved supplier. This now enables them to provide staff resourcing for the NHS, registered charities and the wider public sector for the next two years.

The client was delighted with their successful result, and provided the following positive testimonial about our service:

“Thanks so much for your help! Casgo Connections received one of the best professional service from Hudson Procurement Group Ltd. The level of support we received starting from the NHS tender application until the outcome of the tender process which was successful was incomparable. We are grateful for using your service.” – Stanley Onwuje, Operations Director

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